New Publications: September 2023

MBLWHOI Library. Credit: MBL Archives

Every month, research from MBL scientists and affiliates is published in academic journals across the globe. In September 2023, 9 new studies were published. MBL-affiliated authors are in bold.

Our list of recent publications is updated weekly here.

September 2023

Bachar-Wikstrom, E., Thomsson, K. A., Sihlbom, C., Abbo, L., Tartor, H., Lindén, S. K., & Wikstrom, J. D. (2023). Identification of Novel Glycans in the Mucus Layer of Shark and Skate Skin. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Baker, J. L., Mark Welch, J. L., Kauffman, K. M., McLean, J. S., & He, X. (2023). The oral microbiome: Diversity, biogeography and human health. Nature Reviews Microbiology.

Guimond, J. A., Demir, C., Kurylyk, B. L., Walvoord, M. A., McClelland, J. W., & Cardenas, M. B. (2023). Wind-modulated groundwater discharge along a microtidal Arctic coastline. Environmental Research Letters.

Lee, J. S., Lowell, J. L., Whitewater, K., Roane, T. M., Miller, C. S., Chan, A. P., Sylvester, A. W., Jackson, D., & Hunter, L. E. (2023). Monitoring environmental microbiomes: Alignment of microbiology and computational biology competencies within a culturally integrated curriculum and research framework. Molecular Ecology Resources.

Moon, T., Thoman, R., Druckenmiller, M., Ahmasuk, B., Backensto, S., Ballinger, T., Benestad, R., Berner, L., Bernhard, G., Bhatt, U., Bigalke, S., BjerkeJarle, W., Brettschneider, B., Christiansen, H., Cohen, J., Decharme, B., Derksen, C., Divine, D., Drost, J., Druckenmiller, M. L., EliasChereque, A., Epstein, H. E., Fausto, R. S., Fettweis, X., Fioletov, V. E., Forbes, B. C., Frost, G. V., Gerland, S., Goetz, S. J., Grooß, J.-U., Hanna, E., Hanssen-Bauer, I., Hendricks, S., Holmes, R. M., Ialongo, I., Isaksen, K., Johnsen, B., Jones, T., Kaler, R. S. A., Kaleschke, L., Kim, S.-J., Labe, Z. M., Lader, R., Lakkala, K., Lara, M. J., Lindsey, J., Loomis, B. D., Luojus, K., Macander, M. J., Mamen, J., Mankoff, K. D., Manney, G. L., McAfee, S. A., McClelland, J. W., Meier, W. N., Moon, T. A, Moore, G. W. K., Mote, T. L., Mudryk, L., Muller, R., Nyland, K. E., Overland, J. E., Parrish, J. K., Perovich, D. K., Petersen, G. N., Petty, A., Phoenix, G. K., Poinar, K., Rantanen, M., Ricker, R., Romanovsky, V. E., Serbin, S. P., Serreze, M. C., Sheffield, G., Shiklomanov, A. I., Shiklomanov, N. I., Smith, S. L., Spencer, R. G. M., Streletskiy, D. A., Suslova, A., Svendby, T., Tank, S. E., Tedesco, M., Thoman, R. L., Tian-Kunze, X., Timmermans, M.-L., Tommervik, H., Tretiakov, M., Walker, D. A., Walsh, J. E., Wang, M., Webster, M., Wehrle, A., Yang, D., Zolkos, S., Allen, J., Camper, A. V., Haley, B. O., Hammer, G., Love-Brotak, S., Ohlmann, L., Noguchi, L., Riddle, D. B., & Veasey, S. (2023). “The Arctic” in State of the Climate 2022. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

Peña-Montenegro, T. D., Kleindienst, S., Allen, A. E., Eren, A. M., McCrow, J. P., Sánchez-Calderón, J. D., Arnold, J., & Joye, S. B. (2023). Species-specific responses of marine bacteria to environmental perturbation. ISME Communications.

Strock, S., Costello, J. H., Daniels, J., Katija, K., & Colin, S. P. (2023). Nectophore coordination and kinematics by physonect siphonophores. Journal of Experimental Biology.

Tarrés, M., Cerdà-Domènech, M., Pedrosa-Pàmies, R., Baza-Varas, A., Calafat, A., Sanchez-Vidal, A., & Canals, M. (2023). Transport and distributions of naturally and anthropogenically sourced trace metals and Arsenic in submarine canyons. Progress In Oceanography.

Zhang, Y., Ruff, S. E., Oskolkov, N., Tierney, B. T., Ryon, K., Danko, D., Mason, C. E., & Elhaik, E. (2023). The microbial biodiversity at the archeological site of Tel Megiddo (Israel). Frontiers in Microbiology.


Are you an MBL scientist with a paper that came out this month, which was not included on this list? We apologize for the oversight. Please email