Ten Years of Water Quality Research on Cranberry Bogs is Released | Buzzards Bay Coalition

Retiring some cranberry bogs in environmentally sensitive areas and restoring them to natural wetlands can have many ecological benefits, the report finds. Photo credit: Derek, iNaturalist, cc-by-nc 4.0

Over a decade in the making, a new report entitled “Cranberry Agriculture and Water Quality in Buzzards Bay” addresses the role that cranberry bogs play in the management of nitrogen and phosphorous in our region. The conclusions reached will help to develop management practices and restoration strategies that will improve water quality in the Bay.

The report was created in partnership with the Woodwell Climate Research Center, the USDA Agricultural Research Service, UMass Cranberry Station, the Cape Cod Cranberry Growers Association, the Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District, and the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole.

“The cranberry bogs that turn our area red in fall are one of the things that make Southeastern Massachusetts unique,” explains Dr. Rachel Jakuba, Buzzards Bay Coalition’s Vice President for Bay Science. ”As features that are not common around the country, there had not been much research to understand how cranberry agriculture impacts downstream waters.” 

Cranberry farming, deeply rooted in the history and heritage of southeastern Massachusetts, plays a vital role in the local landscape and economy. Massachusetts contributes approximately 20% of the nation’s cranberry crop, with a significant portion originating from the Buzzards Bay watershed. 


Source: BBC and Partners Release 10 Years of Water Quality Research on Cranberry Bogs | Buzzards Bay Coalition